Posted in Life

Studio Notes 27/09/19

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Ever get that feeling when you want to run away from the monstrous mess you’ve created, but you can’t, because you’ve filled every room with wool?

Just me then?

Studio Notes 20/09/19

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My house is full of wool!

I just love the random things that life brings. This week, it brought me a bin bag full of Hebridean sheep’s fleece.

Studio Notes 13/09/19

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I’m not so sure what I’m doing.

Studio Notes 30/08/19

Sometimes I think that updating a weekly journal of creative accomplishments is a bit much. Other times I think it’s the only reason I get anything done.

It’s only because I realised all to soon that Friday had rolled around yet again and I hadn’t got the jump on anything I’d planned to work on that I got moving so I could come here and write, “look, I tried!”