Studio Notes 04/01/20 - Starting a bullet journal. I've always been intrigued by the idea of bullet journalling but couldn't understand it, until now.
Last week’s annual roundup showed me just how much I enjoy writing a weekly post, even if only for its own sake. Now I think I might make these shorter, and spend a little more time journalling offline as well.
I’ve finally figured out bullet journalling, and it’s about time
It’s been a few years now since I became aware that everyone was going nuts over bullet journals, and being a stationery freak, it would seem as though it should be right up my street, but they all look so over-the-top and overdone that I couldn’t see how this practice could help me manage my time and projects.
Starting a bullet journal looked like more of a time sink than a time saver, and let’s face it, I have more ideas than time, and there’s no way I want to spend any of my time decorating a planner.
However, it turns out that the inventor of the bullet journal method has laid it all out in a YouTube video that’s been viewed over 10 million times:
Turns out that starting a bullet journal doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, confusing or time-consuming – all the things it looked like, if you went by the pictures on Instagram and Pinterest.
It’s shockingly minimalist, clean and practical, which I love.
I’ve used a plain stapled notebook that I screen-printed with my money portrait. So far, so good, and maybe this can help me to organise all my long-forgotten printables and bring them back into circulation.

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