Selected works

Drawing is the underlying basis of my practice. I like to extend the concept of drawing to the broader graphic imprint, which is why I have recently experimented with a type of handwriting monoprint crossed with watercolour painting.

Printmaking appeals to me in the same way that cast multiples do, but I rarely create an edition larger than 10 prints; within editions there will often be an element of variation to subvert the concept of an identical print.




Don't Buy This, screen print on paper by Lee Devonish, 2016
Don’t Buy This. 2016, screen print on paper.




Don't Bother - Handwriting print by Lee Devonish, 2014.
Don’t Bother. Artist’s proof. Watercolour on paper, 2014


Perspective, graphite on paper drawing by Lee Devonish, 2011
Perspective. 2011, graphite on paper.


Peripheral, graphite on paper drawing by Lee Devonish, 2011.
Peripheral, 2011. Graphite on paper.


Precedent, thread drawing by Lee Devonish
Precedent. 2011, sewn thread.